Thursday, March 29, 2007

OhmyNews: YouTube Under Attack

Media giants team up with Microsoft to take down Google.
YouTube, the famous video sharing Web site founded in 2005 by two 20-year-olds and recently sold to Internet giant Google -- also founded by 20-year-olds, in 1998 -- rose quickly and with almost no competition to be, like Google, a worldwide reference on its market. With over 100 million daily views, and videos ranging from Mexican gang brawls to sports company commercials, the Web site created its own market and presented a new way of interacting with videos that people simply hadn't thought of. ...

Well well well! I never thought my prediction on would come to pass that fast!


BjornLee said...

well, youtube was not founded by 20-yr olds. chad hurley, steve chen and jawed karim were on the high side of the 25-30 range. and google definitely is not by 20-yr-olds too.. both were closer to 30 as well.. sergey and larry were doing their phds in stanford. they are smart but not smart enough to be child prodigies and enter Stanford phd before 20.. =)

Renhao said...

oh well as much as it's respected OMN remains essentially citizen journalism. the professional editing team must be in a perpetual rush to have missed this. must have a real passion to allow yourself to be stressed such a site.